Comprehensive web-based access to MIMS medicines information—full/abbreviated product information, drug/drug interaction module, pill identification, etc. Updated 1st day of each month.
Provides information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues. Health professionals and consumers can rely on it for information that is authoritative and up-to-date.
Patient is one of the most trusted medical resources online, supplying evidence based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.
Includes the following core standards:
-Criminal history registration standard
-English language skills registration standard
-Registration standard: Continuing professional development
-Registration standard: Recency of practice
-Registration standard: Professional indemnity insurance arrangements
Policies include:
-Exemptions from CPD
-Mothercraft nurses
-Policy: English Language Skills Registration Standard
-Transition Policy: English Language Skills Registration Standard
Codes of Conduct:
-Code of conduct for nurses
-Fact Sheet: Code of conduct for nurses and Code of conduct for midwives
-Case studies: applying the codes of conduct in practice
Standards for practice:
-Enrolled nurse standards for practice
-Fact sheet: Enrolled nurse standards for practice
Codes of ethics:
-ICN Code of ethics for nurses
Professional Guidelines (NMBA)Includes:
-Guidelines for registration standards
-Professional practice guidelines
-Safety and quality quidelines for nurse practitioners
-Safety and quality guidelines for privately practising midwives
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) approves all position statements to provide guidance to the professions. These also help to clarify the NMBAs views and expectations on a range of issues.
-Joint statement - Cultural safety: Nurses and midwives leading the way for safer healthcare
-NMBA and CATSINaM joint statement on culturally safe care
-Position statement on nurses, midwives and vaccination - October 2016
-Position statement on nurses and cosmetic procedures - March 2018
-Position statement on midwife practitioners - March 2015