Creative Commons is a world wide non-profit organisation that provides copyright owners with free licences allowing them to share, reuse and remix their material, legally. Creative Commons licences are currently used by government agencies at all levels – local, State/Territory and Federal – in Australia
Search for creative commons material via this site - CCSearch
Here is a list of the type of licences available and what they mean:
Google images allows for searches to be limited to images which are freely available for educational use. When on the google images page click on "Tools" and "Usage rights" and select "Creative commons licences"
Check website terms and conditions to see whether the content is free for education. If it is not free for education, the terms and conditions may state how to seek permission.
The following table gives you a guide as to what the terms mean:
What the website terms and conditions state | Is the website "Free for Education"? |
1. Personal | No |
2. Personal, non-commercial use | No |
3. Personal or non-commercial use | Yes |
4. Personal and non-commercial use | No |
5. Private or individual use | No |
6. Use in your organisation | Yes |
7. ©Name and/or year and no terms of use | No |
8. No terms and conditions | No |
9. All rights reserved | No |