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Creating links to library eresources

Linking to Journal Articles in EBSCO host

Links to journal articles in EBSCO host are easy to create and can be incorporated into any Web page.

Links can be created at different levels, namely:

  • To an entire journal.

  • To an individual journal article.

Authentication is required (SWTAFE login & password) to open the links. 

Linking to an Entire Journal in EBSCO host

  1. Identify a relevant journal in EBSCO host (accessible via the Library homepage)

2. Click on share

3.   Copy the URL (under Use Permalink).This is a stable secure link which can be added to any Web page

Linking to an Individual Journal Article


  1. Identify a relevant journal article (via EBSCO host)
    Access the full-text (Click on PDF Full Text)

2. Click on  (Permalink) to generate a permanent link to the journal article.

3. The Permalink can then be copied and pasted & used on any Web page you are working on.


Creating a link to a Safetycare Video

1. Locate the relevant video on the SafetyCare Hub. eg. The Safe Use of Ladders (above)

2. Click on More Info (below the title on the list)

3. Click on EMBED (just above the description)

4. To obtain the URL to create a link, Click on the "Video URL" Tab


5. Copy the URL in the box (above the description). This can be used to create a link to the video on any Web page.


When students click on the link, they will be asked to login with their SWTAFE login and password, then taken straight to the video.

Linking to Journal Articles in Informit

Links to journal articles in Informit are easy to create and can be incorporated into any Web page.

Links can be created at different levels, namely:

  • To an entire journal.

  • To an individual journal article.

Authentication is required (SWTAFE login & password) to open the links. 

Linking to an Entire Journal in Informit

  1. Identify a relevant journal in Informit (accessible via the Library homepage). Use the Browse Publications tab to search for a journal title.

2. When you have located the journal title, right click on the journal title. Select the copy link option in the drop down box ( In IE, it is Copy shortcut and in Chrome, it is Copy link address). Paste this link into your document to link to this journal.


Linking to a Journal Article in Informit

1.   Locate the article by using a simple or advanced search option.  ( Make sure it is available in Full Text PDF)

       Click on Full Text PDF


2. Once the article is open, the citation details will appear at the top of the screen. Copy the document URL between the <> and use this link in your document.


Creating a link to a Kanopy Video

​1. Using Google Chrome browser, locate the relevant video on Kanopy.

2. Click on Share (below the title of the video)

3. This will provide a link that you can copy and share to students to access this video When students click on the link, they will be asked to login with their SWTAFE login and password.


Embedding a Kanopy Video

1. Using Google Chrome browser, locate the relevant video on Kanopy.

2.  Click on Share (below title of video)

3. Click on Embed

4, Copy the embedding code to integrate this video into online learning materials.



Creating a link to a Clickview video

​1. Locate the relevant video on Clickview

2. Click on Share (below the title of the video)

3. This will provide a link that you can copy and share to students to access this video. When students click on the link, they will be asked to login with their SWTAFE login and password.

Embedding a Clickview video

1. Locate the relevant video on Clickview

2.  Click on Share (below title of video)

3. Click on Embed

4, Copy the embedding code to integrate this video into online learning materials.



Teachers are able to stream Youtube clips live in class for educational purposes as well as embed or link to a Youtube video clip within their SWTAFE Online pages.

If you wish to link or embed to a video clip in Youtube, follow these steps

1. Locate the video you wish to link to, ,eg. Good Practice Using Copyright

2. Click on Share and copy the link in the box
3. For an embed link, click on Embed and copy the html link in the box

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